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Judgement – Beurteilung (André Simon, übersetzt von Dietrich Weller)

Perhaps, after reading the following story, some of your fears will disappear. Our story narrates of one calm, smiling teacher with unassuming behavior, in his fifties. The curious disciples asked him in what manner he had reached that level of inner peace. The teacher smiled and explained: “By my twenties I wasn’t concerned at all, and completely unaware what others think about me or the way they judge me.           

After my twenties, I started to worry constantly about the way the people think about me.

And then, one day, after my fiftieth birthday, I realized that the people are indifferent towards me, and almost never ever even think about me.

Dr. med. André Simon © Copyright

Credits: The flower of lotus was photographed by Dr. Dietrich Weller, who has agreed to illustrate this story. The author is grateful for this permission.

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